Back-Flow Preventers
Why Back-Flow Preventers are Important
If you want to maintain a healthy water supply in your home then backflow prevention is a big part of that. When you have a drop in water pressure because your pipes froze or there is an out of the ordinary demand for water in your home then you get backflow. Once the pressure drops again water flow can reverse directions and you end up with wastewater from the main line can end up in the clean water supply that is in your plumbing system.
This is the last thing that you want is waste water in your home. It is more than just smelly and unpleasant it is also dangerous to the health of you and your family. Waste water has organic waste material (yes, that is exactly what you think it is) and that can contaminate your entire home. You can end up with extensive damage and not only do you have a plumbing problem but you will also have to deal with your insurance and a professional cleaning company. Let Shore Plumbing help you avoid all of that.

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Backflow Prevention Devices
A backflow prevention device can make sure that you don’t end up with sewer water in your home. Our team will install the backflow device where your plumbing meets the municipal water main line. It uses a specially designed valve that will prevent water from reversing and you ending up with sewer water in your home. Most municipalities including Greater Vancouver will require a home owner to have one installed. This will make sure that you always have clean water. While Vancouver gets milder winters your pipes can still freeze and without a backflow prevention device the situation can be much worse. When you try and sell your property the plumbing will also be up to code.

Back-Flow Prevention
If you are building a new home then you can have a back-flow prevention device installed as your plumbing is being connected to the municipal water supply. Master plumbers like Shore Plumbing can make sure that your plumbing is properly installed. Everything we do will function properly and you can rest assured that it will be up to code.
We have years of experience repairing and installing back-flow preventers so we have you covered whether you need one installed with new construction or on an existing home. Our trained plumbing technicians only use the highest rated products so you can rest assured our work will last.